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Once again, sunt un mic ticalos 1 dublat in romana 11. -Hup!-Hup!-Hup!--1----1-----1----2--4--2--5----3---5----4-| Punctuation is not my strong suit. I might as well give up. I'm obviously never going to do anything with my life. #suntunmicticalosdublatinromana11;#jgnjhryirngqq;#kyfddbdivjiwpoiv...etc... The album is a collection of songs with a theme of love and heartbreak with a side of innocent youth. The songs—even the upbeat tracks—are sung from the perspective of a child attempting to hide his emotions from an indifferent father. The original title in Korean, Sunt un Mic Ticaloso, is a pun on the term "mic check," which refers to a form of communication in video games which allows one party to loudly announce their position in an online game. It's also the name of a popular mobile app that compiles videos posted on YouTube. The album's titular track is a tribute to the Korean boy band JYJ, which was formed by Junsu of TVXQ!, Yunho of DBSK, and Jaejoong of JYJ after their agency S.M. Entertainment had forced them to disband following the release of their debut album. The group released their first EP, Sunt un Mic Ticaloso 1 on February 10, 2012. On March 27, the single version of "Sunt un Mic Ticaloso" was released as a digital download. The full music video for "Sunt un Mic Ticaloso" was released on April 12, 2012. The full album was released on May 18, 2012. On May 29, the group released a second version of "Sunt un Mic Ticaloso" as the title track of their debut album. The song "Pui Seo" was featured in commercials for Cheil Industries' Black Dragon Chocolate in late 2012. On July 17, 2012, Shinhwa released a remake of Sunt un Mic Ticaloso titled "Sunt Ughghghghghgh". A video for the song debuted together with another new song entitled "Let's Go". "sunt un mic ticaloso dublata romana 11"- com/watch?v=-4jNNjN7UDE "Sunt Un Mic Ticalosu"-""-"Korean Music Blog - Sunt un Mic Ticaloso 1" - cfa1e77820